Writing Chemistry with LaTeX (3/3)

In this last part of writing chemistry with LaTeX, we will look at the chemscheme portion of chemstyle.  It offers automatic tracking for schemes and compounds, and is a major time-saver for synthetic chemists.  Download example packages here: version 1, version 2.

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Writing Chemistry with LaTeX (2/3)

In the last post we downloaded and cleaned up a RSC template.  In this post we will add Wright’s chemstyle package to make writing in chemistry even easier, and explore some basic equation and typesetting usage of mhchem and chemstyleChemscheme related items (e.g., auto-numbering of compounds) is in the last part of this series.

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Writing with LaTeX (2/5): Installation & Resources.

Now that you have a sense of why \LaTeX could be useful, we will move straight to practice.  It’s easier to make sense of \LaTeX when you’ve seen it in action, so theory will come in the next part.  This post helps you get \LaTeX up-and-running (for MacOSX and Windows), and points out resources when things are not happening the way you think it should.

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